About Me

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I am originally from S. Korea but currently studying in the States. Through this blog, I would love to interact with all kinds of interesting people. So, if you would like, please. Your comment is welcomed.




"Easy! easy..!
Look. life is still beautiful.
See? we've got time.
Everything depends on 
one's view of life.
Picture positive things.
take a breath and 
get some life, my friend!"


"Many have ambitions which are never realized, goals which are never reached, aspirations for usefulness which are never fulfilled, visions which never materialize."
 - Richard S. Taylor in The Disciplined Life


Hope is the best remedy for those who suffer adversaries in life at the moment. It provides a compelling vision that attracts weary bodies forward. However, undisciplined hope only blocks one's sight from the reality. 







  1. Dearest Cloud, I love the quotes and your drawing reminds me of Calvin and Hobbs (the cartoon Mr. Jenkin would put on exams.) I bet school is keeping you away from your blog. I would love to hear what's going on though!

  2. I am now trying to keep up with it! please continue to visit me :D
