About Me

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I am originally from S. Korea but currently studying in the States. Through this blog, I would love to interact with all kinds of interesting people. So, if you would like, please. Your comment is welcomed.



Someone says our lives are like flowers...

Someone says our lives are like flowers that quickly wilt away.
Don't these flowers look too beautiful and too fresh to be dried up by the next day? We, that are in the 10s or 20s or perhaps 30s, may think we will ever feel young and looking-good. But soon or later we would helplessly watch ourselves, losing the redolence of youth.

The end of the story from the flowers on a random street.


  1. Pretty flowers!

    Your blog's title reminds me of the main character from the video game Final Fantasy VII. Thanks for the comment!

  2. LOL Now I know that brick color! :)
