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I am originally from S. Korea but currently studying in the States. Through this blog, I would love to interact with all kinds of interesting people. So, if you would like, please. Your comment is welcomed.



Engineering Process

In my Introduction to Engineering class, all of us students are now facing a real-life, fascinating engineering project. We are developing a micro-hydro generator for a missionary village in Papa New Guinea. The village is much secluded from normal society. Located deep in the mountain, about 4000 ft altitude above. 8 hours of driving one, miscellaneous road is the only way to the actual town.

Since the village is so far away from the civil electrical source, the village needs to have self-sufficient power system. Right now, the missionaries are using the solar energy. Although it is meeting the minimum power needs, one of the houses is completely out of electricity and we see the need of improvement. We attempt to make that improvement by installing a micro-hydro generator by the stream near the village. 

Micro-hydro simply means involvement of water. (Just another fancy name to call ordinary things in special ways to spicy up our lives. Water generator or micro-hydro generator which is your pick?)

Theoretically, engineers go through the five steps of the Engineering Precess.

1. Defining the problem: the missionaries considerably lack of electrical power!
2. Brainstorming: a few designs are being discussed right now. 
3. Evaluating the ideas: 
4. Experimenting the idea:
5. Optimizing the idea:    

The brainstorming part often leaves me a satisfying feeling. It always seems carried out poorly and shut down too quickly. Have you had a real brainstorming session that enlighten your brain significantly?

 There are ten teams in the class. The best design will be selected and be supported to actualize the project. This is sure exciting. More research should I start now.